Saturday, August 27, 2011

The Power of A & B

Hi everyone,

I have lots of good things to share in this update. A year ago I was at a low point in my health and fight with PCOS. I was retaining fluid, feeling exhausted all the time, suffering from mold exposure, PCOS symptoms were out of control, and my weight was at an all time high. In desperation, I made an appointment for acupuncture at Pulling down the Moon in Rockville, MD. Within days my cycle started--after being MIA for several months. With each visit, I was feeling better.

A year later I am down 25 pounds and feeling much better overall. I even went for an eye exam last weekend, and the eye doctor told me my eyesight had actually improved and they needed to reduce the strength of my lenses! Also last weekend, I went to Target to pick up a few things and went to the vitamin isle to check out the options for gummy vitamins. I detest swallowing pills--they always want to stick in my throat. At any rate, I came across a B complex gummy and thought I'd give it a try. I took one that night and noticed I felt more energetic. Each day I felt I had more and more energy. Things have been pretty hectic on my job this month, and my stress level has been elevated. I've had a pretty lousy two weeks with eating--not in that I've eaten a lot, but I've eaten the wrong things. I was thinking I would see a gain on the scale this week, but I lost 2 pounds! I had heard that B vitamins were good for women with PCOS but had never tried a B complex before.

I am so grateful to have discovered acupuncture and B complex. They are working wonders for me. The weight loss has been slow, and I have felt discouraged along the way, but I remain in the fight and am still determined to put PCOS on the run.


Saturday, March 12, 2011

I am still in the fight

Hi everyone,

It's been a long time since I've posted to my blog. Over the past year, I experienced a major health-related setback with my PCOS fight. Last summer I began experiencing swelling in my right leg and just a general sense of fatigue and feeling unhealthy. I was also picking up even more weight--which was horrifying for me. I went for testing and received some pretty scary news regarding my heart. I don't want to go into details here, because I don't want to give it any power or glory in my life. At first, I was very depressed and very scared. I was in a state of paralysis from August to November 2010 and quite frankly felt horrible. Then I began to encourage myself in the Lord more and more. None of us knows how long our journey here will last, and worrying and living in fear will not add a day to our lives. This taken with the fact that I know I serve a living God who is more than able to heal and restore brought me out of this paralysis and into action.

I am happy to report that I have lost 21.5 pounds, and I am still in the fight to overcome PCOS. This is not just about weight loss anymore; it is about quality of life and feeling healthy. It is about working hard not to become a PCOS turned into heart issues statistic. With all that is within me, I am working to defeat PCOS.

I have to say the change I have made that has made the biggest impact for me is acupuncture. Those of you who know me know that I can be a big baby when it comes to doctors/needles, etc. When I went for my first acupuncture session in late August, I was at the end of my rope and was desperate for relief from PCOS symptoms. At that time it had been 6 months since my last cycle, and I had just received the aforementioned news regarding my heart. I also had some issues with mold and carbon dioxide levels in my office that were making me feel horrible as well.

I felt immediate relief after my first acupuncture session. Stress was alleviated, sinus pain, swelling in my leg reduced. I just felt better overall. Four weeks later, guess who showed up? Yep, good old Aunt Flo :-).

Then something really exciting started happening. I started losing weight. It is such a struggle losing weight with PCOS and to see the scale begin to move down was a blessing indeed. I can not say enough about acupuncture as a natural alternative to treat PCOS--and a host of other issues. I plan to keep going to acupuncture and to keep exercising to improve my overall well being.

I have in no way arrived. I still feel weak some days, and there are moments when I feel a sense of nervousness creep in, but I must continue to live every day to its fullest and do my best to combat PCOS. I am still here good people, and I am still in the fight.

All the best,


Thursday, February 11, 2010

True Devotion

Whenever you are truly devoted to something, you stick with it for the long haul, be it relationships, career assignments, and yes even exercise and eating plans. It's been a while since my last post, and I've had a few setbacks--minor surgery, a head injury, and an upper respiratory infection, all since October. During my stay at Green Mountain in November, I made a lot of progress in just one week--despite being disoriented and slightly off from hitting my head. Yet, when I returned home, I did not stay devoted to my plan. Yes, I was dealing with the lingering effects of hitting my head, but I find that it seems something always comes up and knocks me off center. Without true devotion, it's easy to be thrown off track. For the past ten years, PCOS has thrown me one curve ball after another--rapid weight gain, hair in places no woman should have hair, a struggle to conceive, body aches and pains, and raging hormones.

It's been a rough road, but I refuse to let PCOS control my life any more. As many of you know, this past week the DC area has received a lot of snow. We have been snowed in for a week now. The first few days of the snow in, I snacked on not so healthy items. By the 3rd day, I was suffering with PCOS related pain and inflammation. For my fellow cysters out there, you know exactly how this feels, and it's no fun. For the first time, I could see the direct correlation between processed foods, simple carbohydrates and PCOS symptoms. I am grateful for this insight, and I quickly abandoned the unhealthy snacking, and I'm feeling better.

I will exercise 5 out of 7 days a week for 45-60 minutes each session. The plan is to do 45-60 minutes at Bally Mon, Wed, and Friday and to go to Curves after work and before class on Tuesday and Thursday. I will eat a balanced breakfast, lunch and dinner consisting of whole grains and other whole/natural foods.

Now what I must do is become truly devoted to all the things that keep me healthy. Eating natural foods, exercising regularly, taking metformin, even though I have absolutely no blood sugar issues at all (yuck!), and above all trusting God that if I consistently do my part, everything else will fall into place.

So, here I am with 70 pounds to lose and a newfound sense of devotion to the habits it will take to get and stay healthy. PCOS had better watch out.

Stay in the fight!


Sunday, September 27, 2009

Taking it all in Stride

Ok--this is hard one to write. When you are committed to a goal, your 1st hope is to see steady progress. This week, my weight is up 3 pounds. Yes, it is frustrating, but I am trying to do a couple of things. First of all, I am reflecting on the week. What exactly did I do? Secondly, I am focusing on the big picture. Ok--so let's review. Exercise--2 out of 7 days. Monday for 30 minutes and Wednesday I actually got in two workouts. A 45 minute walk in the morning and a 30 minutes workout at Curves. The problems is that I got wayyyyyy to hot during my morning walk and felt really bad the rest of the day and the next day--so I didn't exercise. Friday I was having back pain, so I went for a massage--no exercise. Saturday, I planned to exercise before getting my hair done but did not work it in. So, not a great week for exercise.

Diet--My eating was fair this week. I had two chocolate set backs though. Saturday, Sunday, and Monday I had chocolate covered cherries. Friday, I had some Lindt chocolate (it was soooo good). I also did not do very well with water intake this week. We used to have a water club in my office, so I always knew I could go downstairs and fill my water bottle, but the lady who organized it retired, so now I have to make sure I have water with me. I am usually pretty good about this, but this week was not the case.

So, this is the point at which I would normally think--how in the world did I gain 3 pounds this week. Yes, I had some chocolate--but 3 pounds?!?! I would then just say forget it and think I was fighting a losing battle.

I have to put it in perspective and think about the big picture. There will be good weeks and not so good weeks. We know that when you don't get enough water, your body holds onto the water you have--which can cause the scale to bump up. I also know that sugar and PCOS are a bad combination. So while some people can indulge in chocolate treats (combined with good eating otherwise and some exercise) and maintain their weight or gain maybe 1 pound, PCOS impacts my body in such a way that I'm going to see it more on the scale than the average person would.

I did lose 1/2 inch off my waist this week, and I am happy with that. I also know that even when the scale does not move in my favor exercising helps to keep PCOS symptoms from flaring up which means a better quality of life.

Lessons learned this week--water impacts weight loss (I've always known it's important to get in an adequate amount of water, but I am reminded of how it can affect weight loss). Keep chocolate to a minimum or the scale will reflect it in a major way. This seems like a no brainer, but again most people could have a little chocolate and not gain 3 pounds. I also think the chocolate/sugar flared caused inflammation (another PCOS issue).

This week my goal is to exercise 5/7 days for 30-45 minutes each session. I have to get back up to my goal of 1 hour each session, but Curves is a 30 minute work-out and most days it is hard to get in two workouts.

I will stay on my eating plan--no chocolate incidents this week :-)--and pray for steady progress.

Have a great week.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Ain't nothing gonna break my stride!

Do you guys remember that song? Ain't nothing gonna break my stride, ain't nothing gonna slow me down--oh no--I've got to keep on moving!

Well that is my new mantra.

I have a good report for this week (and I am claiming that they will all be good reports).

I am down another 3.5 pounds this week! Wooooo Hooo!!!!!! That means I am 67.5 pounds away from my goal of returning to my pre-PCOS weight of 10 years ago. It is hard to believe I lost so much again this week. For so long, I've struggled to lose even one poound a week, so to have two weeks in a row of 3.5 is absolutely amazing. I know my results thus far are a combination of things. First of all, prayer. I know that God is still in the healing business, and I am believing him for my healing from PCOS. I know that man says there is not cure for PCOS, but I choose to believe God's report.

Secondly, I have been exercising consistently. This week I got in Sunday, 1 hour, Wednesday, 30 minutes, Thursday, 30 minutes, Friday, 30 minutes, and Saturday, 1 hour. Friday I had to drag myself to the gym. I was tired and really just wanted to go home and take a nap. That was a rough workout, because I was tired the entire time I worked out, but I was dedicated to putting in the time. Saturday, I added intervals of running to my neighborhood walk. I have never liked to run or jog, but as I was walking yesterday, I just felt like jogging, so I did, and it felt pretty good! I started slowly and probably only jogged a total of 5-7 minutes out of the hour walk, but it's a start. I'll have to keep doing that. (Sidebar--Enell makes a really good bra for working out that keeps the girls just where they should be--it's a bit on the pricey side, but it works!)

I was not that great on the metformin this week. 2 out of 7 I think. I'm still trying to push past my strong aversion to taking pills. I have always been this way. Just ask my mom. Getting me to swallow a pill used to be a grand production complete with the old hiding under the tongue act. I'm still working on this. I know the metformin will help, but I still believe I will get to the point that I will not need the metformin for PCOS.

My eating has been decent this week. For this journey (and beyond) I am following the 45 carb per meal, 15 carb per snack recommendation of my nutritionist. I had a couple of weak moments this week--thanks to my husband coming home with sliced cake--the thin-sliced pound cake you get from the grocery store bakery. Overall, I made it through this week without major setbacks.

OK--so 67.5 pounds to goal.

My goals this week are to exercise 6 out of 7 days for 30 minutes to an hour each session, take my metformin as best I can, stick to 45 carbs per meal and 15 carbs per snack, and keep feeling great!

Thanks for sharing this journey with me. Let me know you're with me--it helps keep me accountable!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

A Successful Week

Hi everyone,

Week one of putting PCOS on the run has been a huge success. I took my metformin 5/7 days this week--which is huge for me! My cycle started--and it's a real one--not one of those fake ones you sometimes get with PCOS, if you get one at all. I think this is my first one since May actually.

I exercised 5/7 days this week, and I ate well. I am down 3.5 pounds this week which puts me 71 pounds away from my pre-PCOS weight! This is so doable. It's amazing what a mentality shift can do for you. I am so grateful to God for granting me the grace and strength to stand up to PCOS--once and for all.

The exercise is making me feel soooo much better. In the past, when my schedule has become hectic, exercise was always the first thing bumped off my list. I've heard people say it, but I am now reminded myself of how exercise provides a high of its own--bring on the feel good hormones!

The pic I have posted represents where I am now. I'll update the pic as I progress in my challenge.

This week my goals are to exercise 6/7 days for 1 hour each day. Take my metformin 7/7 days, and maintain healthy eating habits. PCOS is shaking in its boots!

Repost of the Kick Off Blog--due to site change

Monday, Sep 7 2009

For the past ten years PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) has wreaked havoc on my body. My hormones have been out of whack; my weight has ballooned, and my cycles have been sporadic. I am done being a PCOS sufferer. I have decided once and for all, that I am putting PCOS on the run. I will no longer be a PCOS sufferer, but I will use a combination of prayer, healthy eating, and exercise to reverse the effects of PCOS. In the past my attempts to manage my weight have been futile, as PCOS makes it easy to gain and hard to shed weight--so frustration has led me to start and abandon various weight loss plans. Today, September 7th 2009, I declare and decree as the day I put PCOS on the run. I firmly believe that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me and overcoming PCOS is no exception. In the 10 years since being diagnosed with PCOS, I have gained 74 pounds. Of course, I want to drop this 74 pounds. Once I do that I will confer with my nutritionist and doctor and decide how to proceed from there with my weight loss. My primary goal is to get back to where I was before PCOS entered the scene. My eating habits are average--I am actually a pretty healthy eater--the PCOS is just plain evil. It's hard to explain this to peope, but My fellow PCOSers understand. I admit consistency with exercise has not been a strong point, but I am working on that. I will use this blog and facebook updates to share my journey with friends, family members, and others who may be facing the same struggle. You are welcome to offer words of encouragement, solace, or gentle rebuke :-) as you feel appropriate. You are all my accountability partners. My exercise goals are to get in 1 hour of cardio 6 days/week, and 3 Curves work outs/week. I set the cardio goal at 1 hour because PCOS is very stubborn. I was seeing a nutritionist for my PCOS, and when she first told me I needed to get in 1 hour of cardio every single day--I was like "huh." I tried it, and I really saw results, so I am going back to that. I am also following my nutritionist's recommendation of eating 45 carbs per meal, and one-two 15 carb snacks. She also suggested I follow a diabetic diet, as people with PCOS tend to be insulin resistant, although I am not diabetic. This has also worked for me in the past. September 7th--1 hour cardio It was a glorious day for walking. I took a brisk walk through our neighborhood and really enjoyed it. Leaves are already changing colors and falling. Fall is certainly in the air! I will update my blog Sunday mornings (after my workout and before church :-)