Sunday, September 20, 2009

Ain't nothing gonna break my stride!

Do you guys remember that song? Ain't nothing gonna break my stride, ain't nothing gonna slow me down--oh no--I've got to keep on moving!

Well that is my new mantra.

I have a good report for this week (and I am claiming that they will all be good reports).

I am down another 3.5 pounds this week! Wooooo Hooo!!!!!! That means I am 67.5 pounds away from my goal of returning to my pre-PCOS weight of 10 years ago. It is hard to believe I lost so much again this week. For so long, I've struggled to lose even one poound a week, so to have two weeks in a row of 3.5 is absolutely amazing. I know my results thus far are a combination of things. First of all, prayer. I know that God is still in the healing business, and I am believing him for my healing from PCOS. I know that man says there is not cure for PCOS, but I choose to believe God's report.

Secondly, I have been exercising consistently. This week I got in Sunday, 1 hour, Wednesday, 30 minutes, Thursday, 30 minutes, Friday, 30 minutes, and Saturday, 1 hour. Friday I had to drag myself to the gym. I was tired and really just wanted to go home and take a nap. That was a rough workout, because I was tired the entire time I worked out, but I was dedicated to putting in the time. Saturday, I added intervals of running to my neighborhood walk. I have never liked to run or jog, but as I was walking yesterday, I just felt like jogging, so I did, and it felt pretty good! I started slowly and probably only jogged a total of 5-7 minutes out of the hour walk, but it's a start. I'll have to keep doing that. (Sidebar--Enell makes a really good bra for working out that keeps the girls just where they should be--it's a bit on the pricey side, but it works!)

I was not that great on the metformin this week. 2 out of 7 I think. I'm still trying to push past my strong aversion to taking pills. I have always been this way. Just ask my mom. Getting me to swallow a pill used to be a grand production complete with the old hiding under the tongue act. I'm still working on this. I know the metformin will help, but I still believe I will get to the point that I will not need the metformin for PCOS.

My eating has been decent this week. For this journey (and beyond) I am following the 45 carb per meal, 15 carb per snack recommendation of my nutritionist. I had a couple of weak moments this week--thanks to my husband coming home with sliced cake--the thin-sliced pound cake you get from the grocery store bakery. Overall, I made it through this week without major setbacks.

OK--so 67.5 pounds to goal.

My goals this week are to exercise 6 out of 7 days for 30 minutes to an hour each session, take my metformin as best I can, stick to 45 carbs per meal and 15 carbs per snack, and keep feeling great!

Thanks for sharing this journey with me. Let me know you're with me--it helps keep me accountable!


  1. Awesome job this week! You are definitely not alone in your journey :)

    I'd like to congratulate you for designing very reasonable goals for yourself - you immediately put things in your favor by doing that. I know you are feeling good about that awesome weight loss! Take a moment to remember how good that feels. Remember yourself doing all of those great things like walking and bursting into that run and how you felt pretty good. When you are feeling discouraged or are about to sabotage your good efforts, go back to those wonderful feelings.

    You'll do great this week - looking forward to hearing about your progress.

    Holly Amarandei, MS, CPC
