Sunday, September 27, 2009

Taking it all in Stride

Ok--this is hard one to write. When you are committed to a goal, your 1st hope is to see steady progress. This week, my weight is up 3 pounds. Yes, it is frustrating, but I am trying to do a couple of things. First of all, I am reflecting on the week. What exactly did I do? Secondly, I am focusing on the big picture. Ok--so let's review. Exercise--2 out of 7 days. Monday for 30 minutes and Wednesday I actually got in two workouts. A 45 minute walk in the morning and a 30 minutes workout at Curves. The problems is that I got wayyyyyy to hot during my morning walk and felt really bad the rest of the day and the next day--so I didn't exercise. Friday I was having back pain, so I went for a massage--no exercise. Saturday, I planned to exercise before getting my hair done but did not work it in. So, not a great week for exercise.

Diet--My eating was fair this week. I had two chocolate set backs though. Saturday, Sunday, and Monday I had chocolate covered cherries. Friday, I had some Lindt chocolate (it was soooo good). I also did not do very well with water intake this week. We used to have a water club in my office, so I always knew I could go downstairs and fill my water bottle, but the lady who organized it retired, so now I have to make sure I have water with me. I am usually pretty good about this, but this week was not the case.

So, this is the point at which I would normally think--how in the world did I gain 3 pounds this week. Yes, I had some chocolate--but 3 pounds?!?! I would then just say forget it and think I was fighting a losing battle.

I have to put it in perspective and think about the big picture. There will be good weeks and not so good weeks. We know that when you don't get enough water, your body holds onto the water you have--which can cause the scale to bump up. I also know that sugar and PCOS are a bad combination. So while some people can indulge in chocolate treats (combined with good eating otherwise and some exercise) and maintain their weight or gain maybe 1 pound, PCOS impacts my body in such a way that I'm going to see it more on the scale than the average person would.

I did lose 1/2 inch off my waist this week, and I am happy with that. I also know that even when the scale does not move in my favor exercising helps to keep PCOS symptoms from flaring up which means a better quality of life.

Lessons learned this week--water impacts weight loss (I've always known it's important to get in an adequate amount of water, but I am reminded of how it can affect weight loss). Keep chocolate to a minimum or the scale will reflect it in a major way. This seems like a no brainer, but again most people could have a little chocolate and not gain 3 pounds. I also think the chocolate/sugar flared caused inflammation (another PCOS issue).

This week my goal is to exercise 5/7 days for 30-45 minutes each session. I have to get back up to my goal of 1 hour each session, but Curves is a 30 minute work-out and most days it is hard to get in two workouts.

I will stay on my eating plan--no chocolate incidents this week :-)--and pray for steady progress.

Have a great week.


  1. Hey Paula! I enjoy your blog and your thoughtfulness to share. Stay positive and diligent things will work out for the best! I am praying for your success! Looking forward to your next post.

  2. I'm right there with you! I'll keep your progress and goals in my prayers.

    This week I'm feeling good about reducing sugar from my diet, but I need to get back into an exercise habit, even just walking for half an hour a day. It's too easy to make excuses.

    Just reading your posts is an encouragement and a good reminder: WE CAN DO THIS!

  3. It's so encouraging to read these notes. (I'm just seeing them for some reason.) Thanks for the support and please do keep me in your prayers
