Saturday, August 27, 2011

The Power of A & B

Hi everyone,

I have lots of good things to share in this update. A year ago I was at a low point in my health and fight with PCOS. I was retaining fluid, feeling exhausted all the time, suffering from mold exposure, PCOS symptoms were out of control, and my weight was at an all time high. In desperation, I made an appointment for acupuncture at Pulling down the Moon in Rockville, MD. Within days my cycle started--after being MIA for several months. With each visit, I was feeling better.

A year later I am down 25 pounds and feeling much better overall. I even went for an eye exam last weekend, and the eye doctor told me my eyesight had actually improved and they needed to reduce the strength of my lenses! Also last weekend, I went to Target to pick up a few things and went to the vitamin isle to check out the options for gummy vitamins. I detest swallowing pills--they always want to stick in my throat. At any rate, I came across a B complex gummy and thought I'd give it a try. I took one that night and noticed I felt more energetic. Each day I felt I had more and more energy. Things have been pretty hectic on my job this month, and my stress level has been elevated. I've had a pretty lousy two weeks with eating--not in that I've eaten a lot, but I've eaten the wrong things. I was thinking I would see a gain on the scale this week, but I lost 2 pounds! I had heard that B vitamins were good for women with PCOS but had never tried a B complex before.

I am so grateful to have discovered acupuncture and B complex. They are working wonders for me. The weight loss has been slow, and I have felt discouraged along the way, but I remain in the fight and am still determined to put PCOS on the run.
